Podcast To Connect : non pushy digital marketing

follow the life of your podcast social media posts

Stephanie Fuccio Season 2 Episode 2

❤️ Text me your feedback and leave your contact info if you'd like a reply (this is a one-way text). Thanks, Steph

Posting on social media is easy enough but do you go back to these posts to see what notifications you missed? to engage with your followers that likes, shared, and maybe commented on your post? 

Wah ha ha, this is something most people miss because posting more, more, more is part of the social media grind. Stop the grind and pause, go back and engage. Here's how. 

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What do you do after you post a social media post? Do you just wait for the next time you need to post and go back on and do another one, or do you do something else? Ooh, what do I mean by something else? That's what I'm going to explain in this episode. I am Steph from coffee like media, and I am obsessed with not just podcasts as a medium because I still, after so many gazillions of years, am still an avid listener. I remember putting the podcast episodes onto an mp3 player manually.

That's how long I've been listening. And now I'm a podcast service provider, strategist, editor, and podcast manager. I wear a lot of hats because I really want to help you reach your audience via your voice, to get your stories, your message, and your knowledge out into the world.

And specifically in this podcast, I want to focus on the connections you're going to make with that. If you're a small business owner, that'll be lead generation. If you are a community leader, that'll be building up your community.

There's different ways you can connect. But what is the most important part of all of this are the connections. In fact, if you would like a free podcast audit during the month of July, I've got a contest going where you can enter, and if you win, you will get said free podcast audit.

Check the show notes or video notes for the details. I'll also be doing these tips twice a week for the entire month. So you'll have eight things.

That you can do differently to increase your podcast engagement, which. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Increases your audience growth.

Let's do this because I want you to get connections on social media. It's not easy to convert people to listen to your podcast via social media. More often than not, it won't happen.

But what you can do is connect with people over the content topic. Here's one thing that's often missed, and again, things are going to vary from platform to platform. I'm mostly, to be quite honest with you, on LinkedIn at this point.

I'm a little bit on Instagram, and I'm like one tiny little toe in threads. And I'm on Facebook because Denmark runs on Facebook, and I have to be over there for a lot of different things. I'm an American currently living in Denmark, by the way.

Okay, so in general, when you post on social media, what most people forget to do is to go back and engage. So things you can do instead of just moving on, you can keep, if you really want to I suggest this, although I myself do not do this. I do not keep a spreadsheet of my social media outreach.

But you can if you are a spreadsheet person. That is one very convenient way to do that. Actually, I need to go back a little bit.

I do that when I do national podcast post month in November. It's a posting challenge where you post every day for a month. Thank you, Jennifer Navrete, for heading that up for forever.

So I do then, but normally speaking, I don't. I just go back to my feed a day or two later and I look at where you go. I look at who liked it, who commented on it, because notifications don't always work.

I get or I miss notifications all the time on all the platforms that I set them on all the time. And if you don't go back and check your old posts, you're probably missing notifications too. Even if you have the bell on in apps that have the bell in social media apps that have bells available, you could still be missing stuff.

Here's what I do with the likes. Likes are not unimportant. Likes tell you that at least someone sees you.

They know you're in that area, that topic area, that skill area, whatever. What you want to do is check. Are you following them? Go to that person's profile, look at what they're talking about.

If you, if something resonates with you, like it back, comment. Start engaging with the people that like your stuff. Also, I'm going to give you a tip on how to dive deeper into your followers' own audience.

Own followers into your followers later on in the month. But right now, let's just focus on engaging with them one on one. You don't have to do this all the time.

And some, some people follow me and then they start to like ten things at a time. And oftentimes those folks who a day later will dm me with a sales ew. I get it.

If something you discover about me and what I'm doing really resonates with you and you then like and comment on ten things, that's great. But if you do that, then send me a sales thing and then disappear. That's gross.

Don't do that. Please don't do that. I don't care if you're doing this for lead generation community building or another reason, don't be fake.

Fake is so obvious in this day and age. People will not fall for it, and more importantly, they'll be turned off by it and you will definitely not get them as a listener or as someone in your content space as a connection. Because fake is gross, avoid gross.

What you want to do is engage with them. Look at who liked the post, follow them, maybe like some of their stuff. If it resonates with you, comment on their stuff.

Also, look at who reposted your stuff. Again, depending on the platform, it may have a different name, but basically, if somebody shares your share, then thank them. If they wrote something that really resonates with you and you can reshare their share with their comments, do that give people credit for engaging with you? Not just giving them credit, but talking with them.

I like to view social media as being a social place where you can interact with people. Okay, so so far, you have checked out who has liked your post, you have checked out who has commented on your post, and maybe you've even reported their comment with a thank you and a follow up on ideas that you have. What else can you do with the information that's there? You can overall look at your analytics on who's following you, what your engagement rate is, if it's going up or down or that kind of thing.

If you're posting too little or too much, you can change your posting habits and you can see if that changes if you're getting more or less engagement. But I would spend more time, to be quite honest with you, on the one on one engagement than I would on the overall impressions or whatever that platform calls it, because you're wanting to make connections with people. People are more than just swiping trends.

So you want to get in there, look at who reacted to what you posted, and post, post back, and engage back with them. It seems so simple. But when we're posting one, two, three times a day, to go back to all of those posts is a lot.

How do you keep track of it? Again, you could use a spreadsheet. You could just go back and look at different posts that you've done. You can go into, like, your activity section on LinkedIn.

It's called activity. On Instagram, it's called feed. Right? So they've got different names, but they all have the same thing.

It's the things you did in the past. The things you posted, the posts that you did in the past go into them one by one. Maybe do it once a week, maybe do it once every two weeks, maybe do it once a month.

It doesn't really matter how often you do this, as long as you do it somehow. If I'm really in a growth stage, because there's different stages in your podcast, right? There's like a growth stage, there's a maintenance stage, there's a rest stage. There should be a rest stage depending on the stage that I'm in.

If I'm in a growth stage, I'll actually put in my spreadsheet for my workflow, my podcast editing workflow. I'll have a section for not just posting social media posts, and I'll have a section for each social media I want to post it on with a tick box and I'll tick those off. But then I'll also have like one or two days later I'll have to go back and check for engagement.

I literally have a section to go back and check and do these things that I'm telling you because the algorithm thank you for free social media platforms, but they don't always work that great. So I hope this inspires you to go back and engage with the people that have consumed your social media post content to some degree. Again, don't be gross, don't spam, don't be fake, be you.

Engage. Talk to people. These are people that are reacting to what you put out there online.

React back, talk to them, find out more about them. And later in the month I'll be talking about how to tap into their followers too, to expand your audience even more in another non gross way. Again, we have the next drawing for the free audits on Monday, all four Mondays at the beginning of July.

I am taking the fifth Monday off because fifth Mondays are nah too much. You can use the link in the show notes or video notes, or you can go to stephfuccio.com stephfuccio.com

about halfway down the page to the section that says, you know, July audience growth giveaway and all the information and the form to fill out is right there. It's a super quick, simple form and it will get you a free audit which will give you some outsider insight into how you can grow your audience by changing small, practical things about your podcast. This is Steph from coffeelike media.

Thank you so much for joining me. I will see you again three times next week, once for the announcement on Monday and twice for two more episodes. Thanks so much.

And yeah, keep engaging. Bye.

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